quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010
fourth november two thousand and ten
I remember I use to fly in wings of love, in wings of childhood. I use to laugh as loud as I could, to tell others of how much happy I was, how much loved I was. I use to climb high mountains, to tell others I'm tall enough, I'm strong enough. I even use to smile, to show others I am brave on the inside. today though, I'm laughing to warm my heart, to make it a little bit brighter. I'm tall enough today, and stronger than ever before. I smiled too, and my heart can't be more happy. Today I want to say thank you, to whoever has taken the time to help me trough something, to whoever God put on my way.
I remember being very little, very very young when I noticed a ray of sunshine. It came straight to my eyes, but instead of turning away, I stared. How much light, how much beuty. My world lit up. And that little light, I'm gonna let it shine.
I lie in bed tonight with 14. Come tommorow, I'll wake 15. God bless the day.
sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010
Happy Early Birthday, Marta.
sábado, 23 de outubro de 2010
My calendar is inserting some nervosims and longing here. in my heart.
I've dreamed of her for a couple of months, maybe a year. And I'm finaly having her on christmas day. Dear Santa Claus, a happy early thankyou!
sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010
There was a day. A few years ago. I woke up, I dreamt. I sat and dreamt awake. I wondered about the colours in that moorning sky, I marvelled the foggy air, I breathed slowly. I saw some butterflies, I caught them. I smiled from ear-to-ear. I was so happy.
Just hours after that, my world sinked. I knew and I knew and I knew. I knew she would never come back again. I felt it. I felt she would become an angel very soon. That somehow, her place wasn't here on earth. She closed her eyes and openned them no more. I knew she was almost gone. I cried. I though about all that time with her. It had been sincerely amazing and it was vanishing. Cancer was winning. It was obvious. Her mom held her hand and told her it would be just fine. to let go.
4 years and 8 months ago today, God called an angel.
I love you and I miss you, prescious.
quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010
We've found you.
there she was. sitting with crossed legs. face hiding in their hands. her whole body sinking.
'Hi' my mother said.
She looked up but said nothing.
'If you don't talk I can't help you'.
'My name's Leonor' the girl eventually pronounced.
'So why are you here, Leonor?'
'Nobody likes me'
'Why do you say that, Why don't you go home?'
'Because it's true, and I don't have a home'
'Where you do live, then?'
'In the college to where all unliked girls go to'
'I am sure somebody loves you. Your mom?'
'My mom dumped me there. She has only visited twice in seven years'
'Oh. Your dad?'
'My dad use to hit me and left me with no food for days. They took me away from him'
My mother started to realized the life Leonor was leading was no easy thing.
'But hey, you can't stay here forever. Why don't you go back to the college?'
'I only have two girlfriends there. They got mad at me because Of a boy. I can't help it. He likes me and I can't do anything about it'
Mom agreed with her head.
'You'll have to have lunch, take this' Mom gave some money.
The girl smiled and promissed she'd be back to tell her what she wanted to do.
When my mother came back from lunch, the girl was waiting in the same place.
'So, Leonor, Have you though about what you wanted to do?'
'No, sur. I just don't know. It's like I'm lost'
'I can drive you to your colege'
'Would you do that for me?' her eyes light up.
'Yes, of course.'
'I loved talking to you, You're really someone helpful' she said.
Mom was proud of herself, in some way.
She took her in, and said Goodbye. The Girl smiled and thanked her.
When she was already going out, Leonor came running at her, hugged her and whispered 'thank you so much' . Mom was touched. She gave her the phone number if the Girl needed anything.
The next day, she appeared on my mother's work. With a friend. She said she was there to thank my mother. She too said, that there would be a party saturday in the college for parents and friends of the pupils. She looked down.
'I don't have caring parents. I don't have friends who like me. You're the only caring person that I've found. Could you come?'
Mom couldn't say no. She called the director of the school but she already had a non answered phone call from him. He told her it was great if she could come, that she had made Leonor much happier then before.
So at 2PM, saturday - mom will go to visit her, as being her friend, as being someone she loves.
This is just to tell everyone that sometimes, you try so much to help the others around when there are people right before your eyes that need your help more than ever.
May the angels proctect you.
I x
domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010
I forgot.
In the midst of the summer, in the rush of hot new days, I clearly forgot something. I still don't know exactly how but yes I did, and I feel ashamed. Nobody told me that along with missing, griefing and mourning, there was forgetting. I still remember her voice and her loud laughs and her face. I still can smell her fragance if I close my eyes. But I can't feel her touch anymore. I forgot how it felt like. I forgot what it was like to be touched by herself. I simply disire not to. Time will keep on coming and I'm scared. I fear I'll forget how her voice sounded, how she'd smile in the moornings at the school's big door. I fear and I fear and I fear. And I don't know what to do not to forget.
Today is just not one happy happy day.
I x
segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010
mum, oh mum.

You know mom, I'm just... thankful.
I x
quarta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2010
pretty things & missing them
Today, I'm missing those (I'll dare to call them) 'OLD' times. My greastest friends have dissapeared in a blink of an eye to go home and we were left alone. It's such a cold non sense feeling between all of us. We do miss them and we want them back but they live where they live and can only visit us at some holidays. I'm hoping on the 17th Auggust they'll appear on the airport and wave us goodbye as we head off to Jamaica. I'll be off for 1/2 weeks, it depends if Algarve gives me it's lovely internet connection. Anyway, these are us. And all I miss right now.
segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

sexta-feira, 30 de julho de 2010
segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010
summer - it's just here
bright white walls.
bells of the chapel ringing.
busy bugs on the laptop screen.
fizzy tasty drinks for lunch.
bunch of lovely people.
vanilla smell everywhere.
stary night sky.
long, long nice talks.
beutiful walks through the town.
it's been a beuty-full summer time.
I x
domingo, 27 de junho de 2010
Back for good;
I'm just back from a relaxing, selfcalming and brilliant Algarve holidays. In the midst of it, we smiled, laughed, shared good moments and enjoyed the peace. Most of all, we had a wondurful time in Praia da Luz. The resort was nearby the beach and it was filled with flowers all along so that's why I grabbed my camera up and took tones of pictures. There was so much to say, but really, the love filled up my days with grace and it was stunning. The wheather was just so hot that sometimes I could barely breath. The landskape was breathtaking, aswell.
Blogging has become fun and photography is now a passion instead of a hobby. I just feel like I'm tearing myself apart and not in the bad way, just that I'm lost and confused about my future plans and so much rolling through my head. I wanna be a mom. I wanna have little girls who I will dress up in the sweetests outfits and cutest shoes and flowering hats but I wanna have stunning little boys to play soccer with and run in the poodles and turn our sofas durty and masculine. I wanna stay here forever, and watch the birds fly in the calmly silence that takes the day into the night but I wanna be free and run the whole wide world, too. I wanna be a lawyer, and stand up in front of government leaders, just the kind of thought that we can save the world, just us. But then I wanna work out with photography and cinema. I wanna have a husband and a family, but then I wanna grow stronger and by myself, and just cross the world searching for the meaning of life.
whatever desteny gives me and wherever it will take me,
I will always be.right.here.
domingo, 30 de maio de 2010
the story
Marta was this lovely, beutiful and enchanting little girl. She was born the 2nd November 1995 and she was just the sweetest thing. She had the most beutiful curly brown hair and deep green eyes. If you'd see our Marta, you could notice she was looked just like an angel. Marta loved playing outside in the backyard and running around the refreshing machine in the football court. We'd run together without shoes in the grass and that must have been the most simple but so beutiful memory I still hold. Her voice was just like the melody of Heaven. She had it sooo pure and her loving soul could be heard throughout her words. I can still remember Marta talking to me, teaching me her beutiful life lessons along the way. Marta came to this world to give only love. She was just that type of little girl that you'd love to have as a friend. You'd see her and you'd think how beutiful she was and how responsable and polite for her tender age. She was very shy but she had an open mind to almost everything. She loved butterfly kisses and she loved her mommy; Oh she was just in LOVE with her mother. They got along so well and they were like bestfriends, also. I could go on and on and on telling you about her and how wondurful she was. That heartwarming little girl changed my life. But I would never stop so I think it's time to let you know what happened. June 2005 was our last school party. It was the summer party and we loved it! We posed for the anual picture. Our very last picture. I never knew I wouldn't see her alive again, that was never part of our plans together. At that time of the year, Marta was perfectly healthy, at least, though to be. Back in that year, in late November, she started complaining about bruises on her body and some other sympthoms so she was taken to the nearest hospital. Later that day, she was ruched to the pediatric emergencies only to find out that she has Leukemia. The news were desvastating. Through months, my beutiful bestfriend fought like a hero. In middle January, 17th 2006, at the tender age of 10, Marta closed her eyes in her hospital bed, and went to play with the angels. We had booked the 18th January to go playing outside and just as it, it vanished. All her life. All our plans and hopes and dreams. Everything was gone. And another 10 year-old girl lost her bestfriend that sunny moorning of January. It is not fair.
Poem writen by her mommy and dadda before she left the school;
And I still I'm not sure if it's time to say goodbye. At least, even after 4 years, I'm not prepared.
ready? set? please don't go.
I x
quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010
do you cloud-dream?
More little news...
Carolina was ruched to hospital early this moorning to stay till sunday. She's so vulnerable and little and sweet and oh-what-a-cutie kind of girl. I wonder why this happened and wonder how can we solve it out. That was my big great mission in life. you can see her in her website called Carolina's Hope and leave your messages. I do appreciate them and sure my family will, too. She is going to hospital to change her diet with some new healthy products who will be good for the development of her brain - I think. But as this day I've been thinking of my little boog-a-boo princess and little cutie, I decided to leave you some "old" photos. I love you soo much, carolina!
quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010
(Not to) be remenbered;
I couldn't agree more with him; It's so true and so sad - all at once. Living a whole life leaning on strenght and being the best you can ever be, and then waking up to find that in a couple of years, no one will ever remenber you. No one will think about what you did, what you said and all the beautiful things you ever got to experience; Nobody will ever recall your name to say you build a website to help others or wrote a dozen of words in a blog, inspired by someone and wanting to help. It's so sad, so wrong. But what about Her? And what about all these people loved by so many across the world? what did they do that I can't do? Nothing. They acted wondurfully, they said some beautiful words, they changed many minds because of what they got to say or what they got to do. But what does it mean now that they're gone? everything. Our universe is how it because of those people. People who fought so bravely for others and to help. People who never gave up. And Have you look around to see what your friends are doing? what your family is doing? something to change the world? No? and why is that?
People don't believe. They act like normal, randmon and ordinary human beings. What do they think those people who changed the world had in their minds? Happiness? Joy? well, not really. I'm absolutely sure some of them were crying inside, grieving like us, feeling sorrow, despeer and missing someone, too. But they did never give up. And the point is that nobody believes anymore. Apart from all the bad feelings they had, they Believed. To be someone speacial to this world, to be able to be remembered for the good things you did, you have to Believe. You can't just go down your way and expet someone to change your own little world. You have to help, to be someone, to do the best you can in this brief time you have here.
think about; why were we given life?
to wake up and go to work and arrive home late in the evening, frustated and tired? To eat all these types of wondurful fat food and going to the mall to buy things and do your shopping? to what, tell me.
I'm convicted that I know it. We were given life for so many reasons, some of them so clear. Like loving your children; But there are more, still. Reasons behind your belief. Reasons that were born with us but for some reasons, many have made it fade away; like loving yourself. But most of all, our biggest reason for why we were given life was to make this world a better place. Not to expet someone to do it for ourselfs. Be yourself, strong enough to believe you can be remembered in a million years. That people will remember what you did, what you said, who you helped.
But, before thinking about being remembered, think about helping. Think about that it's actualy not important to be remember for many years. You'll be long gone when they speack your name out. And thought it might sound like a true dream for you - it's nothing special. what makes you speacial is being youself. People don't have to say "thank you" or love you very much. You have to feel confortable and your mind has to tell you, that you always do your best. That's exactly what being special means. You know, even if you're never remembered, even if they forget about you forever, there are people who will eternally be thankful for what you did. For the words you lovingly told them. For the moments you were there. Even when you don't notice their gratitude, deep inside they're thanking you from the bottom of their hearts.
Don't ever wish to be remembered; Just so you remember life is too prescious and what you're doing here might not be significant for upcoming genarations, but in the hearts of many, many people, it will be a very shinning, golden gift - and then you'll think "that's because of me"
I x
segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010
{ready, set, don't go}
But please don't go.
I x
domingo, 4 de abril de 2010
Please visit Layla's foundation who was lovingly set; www.remenberlayla.org
I'd like to ask you to reflect a bit on you life, as well. I'm not that type of relligious person who takes much time in the church or something. Not at all. But sometimes it's important to take a look at everything we have and cherish it and appreciate it. Because all over the world today, there are families griefing for their children and families searching for them when they should be home enjoying easter. I don't even like Easter a lot. I hate sundays because people are always kept at home and it's like nobody seems to move on and to walk out to the road. I like confussion, the simpliciness of the day is to be enjoyed calmly within a few moments - not a whole day! And sundays it's all about staying at home. It's like the world stops and just moves on all mondays. But my world already stoped one day and I truly don't want to have it parked in the highway of life, again. So Happy Easter for all of you who like this. Liking or not, there are people who like and who should be celebrating it happily. sad. most of all, Easter is just about sadness for me. will soon upload some holiday pictures.
Just because... I'm not happy at all.
segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010
{all at once}
for more info go to www.findmadeleine.com
I x
sábado, 27 de março de 2010
tears of an angel
this video gives me chills. Makes me cry, remenber and be-thankful. Haylee has been such great inspiration on my daily life and so does Sharon. Every person who simply took the time to leave me a message, to subscribe me, to leave a comment in one video or even just watch a video of mine, thank you. It means too much to know people truly like what I'm doing and so I can keep on doing it. I find no explanation for the reasons why I want to make videos in memory of all this angels or simply take the time to see them, to hear their voices, to feel them nearby. I don't really know why but I gotta love it. I know they all cried once, too. They're my inspirations and I fight for them. I want their voices to reach everyone. A world where little ones die is not a good world for anyone. We can't keep living and going day-by-day just seeing every new of every case and just let it go. A child who dies always leaves an inprint in the world, and we can't just let their memories go in vain. we have to celebrate their lives, be thankful for the years but most of all, understand what went wrong so we can help other families and other children in ways they could never imagine. By a simple tragic death, we can prevent millions of other deaths. and so, every kid who pasts, is a hero, hisself.
Thank you Sharon for being the best bestfriend I could ever find, thank you Haylee for always beeing there, for making sure I feel your love even when you're just too far away and thank you everyone, really. Thanks God, you truly changed me too!
Finaly, I want to thank Layla herself for being such a fighter and for teaching me life lessons within 2 weeks. She will never be forgotten, really.
I x
segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010
I keep on praying it's going to be fine. Keep on believing there are angels on the ground to help me out with this and I truly know I'm strong. I know it's just a little bit longer and I'll be fine. Beliving is the cure. He is magical. who? My dream-a-boy. He made me forget all this problems. Made me dream about a better day. Made me laugh. made me... remenber. Oh, How I remenbered him throughout time! Oh, if only he know how often I'd think of him.. I truly missed him. It's too much time to pull out till tommorow's afternoon. To see him. to embrace him. to... kiss him! Oh My God, Is it a dream? Is it true? I don't want to wake up, though!
Ines x
sábado, 20 de março de 2010
me {in wonderland}
I luv you.
terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010
the dandelion.
Once I was coming home, from a family walk, I stopped and stared a bunch of dandelions on the grass, they were all together, blowing with the wind, getting together. I stoped again, catched my breath, and remenbered her. the way she held it tightly, I did it too. The way she secretely told the dandelion what she wanted, as if it was some kind of fairy. I grabbed it up in both hands, I looked to the breathtaking sea, to the horizon, to the bleding blue sky, towards the sun, I wishepered, too, "save a place for me, I'll be there soon" , and suddenly, the wind took my white petals of the dandelion away. I could not blow it by myself. At first, I got angry and mad. there were no more dandelions to catch as I was further in the path. Then, I realized one thing, It was probably her, who heard my prayer, my wish, my dream. I am sure she heard it, she blew it by herself. Just like that, when I lost her, I felt angry, and mad. I did not experience anything more with her, she was just gone. gone long before I could make future plans on my mind. Gone. vanished. dissapeared. But then I knew I had a way, to let her memory shine brightly in the lives of many, wondurful people. I'll try, I promisse I will.
and for you, something I love;
"My love" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOL-Yx_kNYo
"Save a place for me" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8wWP1A6mks
Save a place for me, save some grace for me, I'll be there soon. I promisse you my love. Goodnight. sleep tight in God's arms.
I x
Long ago.
"the risk of love is loss,
there was a time, in my life, long long ago, while we still had her.
while we would stay awake untill very late in the night, while we would still colour all those school books together, while we would smile. smile, together.
there has been only a few years since that dream was still living on. a few years who have turnt into centuries in my mind.
There was a time, a time of wonder, beuty and simpliciness. a time I'd sit and get up. In the midst of it, I wouldn't even think. Now I always stop to catch my breath. I truly have to. I stop, stare, dream, and grief, It's always the same, though. the very, horrifying, missing-filled, and lonely thing. I wonder why, WHY us. But all over the world, tragedies stricke. they come with no previous advice. shut down our lives, completely. I miss her, I defenetely do.
After we lost her, I though my life could never be the same, I though time could heal, though. I was very, deeply, wrong. Time doesn't heal anything, really.
There was a time where my life was filled with glitter, and princess dresses, and sparkling shoes, and pink and purple and a dolls house. filled with deep gratitude. I Still couldn't be more gratefull for the time. I'm so thankfull that God actualy let me live with her, even though it was only a short, extremelly short, time. I completely mourn her loose with every single beat of my heart. I owe her my life, my happiness.
Because once, she made me happy. And now I wonder, where is that fairy? probably (humm) flying over me? I wish I could see her. Just for a second. Just Like a.. shooting star.
today though, it's just not one of those days. Missing the leaves that feel from the trees. I love you all.
I x
segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2010
pray it will come soon please,
and as I don't know the reason why I posted this post,
I make myself believe it was "just because.."
night night bloggers.
I x
not a word.
the other day, I stopped and stared at a boat. a simple, little, white boat. floating in the sea. It was going so slow that I could truly stop and spend the rest of the afternoon seeing the boat crossing what I call (humm) little less than enough. I could see the simpliciness of the sweet, tiny, white boat. Mum called me; I stoped again.
Go home, mum - I said.
why should I? I'm not letting you outside - she said.
It's quick, I do promisse.
she started walking down the road, always looking back for me to start running. I didn't. Instead, I staied. Barely couldn't move. She called me again, told me I had to go home. In a minute, I looked again to the big great sea, perplexed, I looked for the tiny boat. where was it? I don't know. I remenbered Ivy's buterfly then, could it be? things can't dissapear so quickly. at least, not things like boats. I got closer but the boat, it was just like it never existed, like it's little short time in the water went in vain. Then I stoped, and my arms felt down, then suddenly, my body shacked and I had some visions. visions of two little girls playing happily together, the visions of those days who went slowly while they lasted. the vision of a day where I stoped too, to long, to see, to embrace the times lelft behind. a day I stoped and asked myself too "where was she?" a day I could clearly see sometimes, things, people, everything, might just dissapear.. and they do not say goodbye.
I x
sábado, 13 de março de 2010
a butterfly.
Rest In Heavenly peace Butterfly.
I x
domingo, 7 de março de 2010
dream {less}
I hope someday the dream will come again, I'll be waiting.
I x
sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010
time doesn't heal
I say, while I stay, perplexed looking at a photo of her. Beuty-full. She sure takes my breath away, but why summer days filled with laughter had to be resumed to such short life? I guess the question is "why" most of the times. and I ask, and ask, and ask. and I get no answer back. I think maybe the "never forgotten" thing is just to hide the fear of loosing someone again. I will explain. When you loose someone, you feel the fear, the huge fear no one can ever put in words. we cry. we try to breath but something tells us we can't (when actualy, our body can do it normally). we try to think about other things rather than the missing, but something tells us we can't (when actualy, our mind can do it normally). I could go on, and on, and on. Non-stop. So when time goes by, you loose contact with the lost one, and then? what are we suppose to do? why do we remenber and long? because of the missing? I don't think so.
we do it all because we're afraid. Because the enormous loose left our heart broken into millions of little pieces, and because whenever we think of it, our breath is catched away. That's just because, we're afraid of loosing the same person, once again.
so remenber, pray and wish and yern and griefe and loose, all at once. I'll be here for you, too.
I x
segunda-feira, 1 de março de 2010
Happy Birth Day.
How Am I suppose to wake tommroow when 2 years have passed me by in a blink of an eye? This 2 years have been (Nearly) the most hard years of my entire life, but mostly, they were a source of hope and faith and strengh. We learnt to never give up, trough her. We will never (never never never) have words to describe how much our Baby touched our lives and how much we adore her. She is our true princess.
My 1 year-old Princess, who will wake 2 today.
Don't leave the simpliciness or the innocence,
I truely adore you - My hero.
I x
quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010
forgeting someone.
Please, be carefull Inês.
think smart, really.
Goodnight everyone.
I x
domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010
a little less ordinary
I miss you, so.
I x
quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010
Nobody can ever understand;
it's not enough, still.
I x
domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010
the cold.
I x
quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2010
a river of tears..
segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010
ballet shoes.
It's not fair, really NOT fair. That an angel is part of that amazing blue field, way too soon. She will never be forgotten. And, that pink, will fill my heart, that strawberrie milk will be good to her tea parties in the summer, that dinner for four is always remenbered, the beutiful moments in the puddles, are always captured. that time when Ava would give Ivy food is always present and those pictures of her are always treasured. It is not enough, yet. But when the "is not enough" is all we have, we just got to hold on to it, to the fractions things we still have.
fly high Ava,
I x
sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010
today, though, I just miss the giggle.
January is always that month of loose, of mourning and grivieng, but today I just miss the missing, and with it, I miss January. I miss all those beutiful tributes people send to me, and I miss the January of 2006; while we still had her. the first days of January, were, of course, filled with Love. more than the usual. we loved her more, we cuddled her more, we told her more times how much she means to us, and trying not to accept the way that January would mark our lifes, we lived each moment trying to say Goodbye. Just trying, not doing.
we tried to tell her what was happening, but she was clever enough to understand it. she was just way too sick, and to ill to keep on going, I decided I couldn't be selfish, I just had to let her go. I miss January, I miss her, and today, though, I just miss the giggles bettwen our girly chats..
you're my angel, Marta.
I x
quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010
a lif filled with magic {and wonder}.
It is yet, very sad to remenber other things but they're just impossible to forget. Yeasterday marked the 1000th day without Madeleine. Madeleine "Maddie" McCann was a 3 year-old child who was once in holidays in May, 2007 with family and friends. On the 3rd of May, 2007, her parents left her and her 2 year-old siblings, Amelie and Sean, alone at the appartment that was just nearby the resort's restaurant; Barely they knew that something horrible was going to happen. When her mother, Kate, went to check the kids; she found Madeleine's bed empty and Madeleine was Gone. she searched all around the house and ran off to tell everyone Madeleine had dissapeared. come 1000 days and we're still at the beggining. we are still searching, still praying but somehow we still have that amazingly strong hope and faith that someday, our 6 year-old Madeleine will come home, pray it will be soon.
still missing.
still waiting for you to help.
be on the lookout for this wondurful little darling <3
I x
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2010
4 years ago today..
tonight I miss her; and I miss the bittersweet sound of her life and laugh; maybe it is still here.. maybe I just can't see her.
I miss you my love, and that will be forever,
18.01.2006 - a day I wish I could forget.
18.01.2010, 4 years without you;
Goodnight Marta, sleep tight wherever you may be!
I x
sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010
Happy Birthday Taylor!
so here I am once again; trying to write down on my blog at least, 3 times a week, but I've been bussy and that's why I don't have much messages.
Today isn't a day to griefe anymore, today is a day to laugh, giggle and enjoy. Taylor Warren is now 7 years old. We saw her growing up troughout the blog of her mummy and the website and saw the daily faces of cancer, troughout Taylor. Taylor is one of the most brave persons around this world and I am so happy she's making trough Leukemia and keeping the smile on her face. Today, take a minute to pray for Taylor!
Enjoy your birthday with your family and friends, you are my hero.
And before I go, I leave you with a video for Taylor and snack of pictures of her. Enjoy!
sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2010
life. itself.
some People have their wondurful family, their wondurful friends, their wondurful life. I can't say my life is horrible but not perfect neither. This is just about beggining again, a new life and a new future, a future I never expeted to be planning down, so sad.
come monday, and it will be 3 years. I can't believe that it was actualy 3 years ago that I last saw her smiling face and her brighten eyes, right there, next to me, I can't believe that so much time has passed me by and I'm still wondering the reason why. I look to a picture of us too, and I wonder what would have been if you hand't left. This is all too much for me, too much tears, too much sadness and a life filled with missing.
today I come to say, thank you for your love and prayers.
I love you M.
I x